Best Paper Awards for Students and Young Presenters
The Structural Acoustics and Vibration technical committee is one of several that offers a best student paper award to students who present papers at Society meetings. If you want your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract. Follow the instructions for the appropriate technical area that appears below.
For each of the Technical Committees granting awards, up to two awards will be presented to students presenting papers in sessions organized by the specific Technical Committee: $300 for first prize and $200 for second prize
To qualify for each of these awards, the author must:
- Be enrolled as a student at least half time (graduates are eligible if the work being presented was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that you do not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
- Be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract.
- Present the paper at the meeting.
- Submit a copy of the presentation materials or a written text to the copy center at the meeting, unless the paper is presented in a poster session (except for entries in Speech Communication and Underwater Acoustics).
The award winners will be selected by a subcommittee of the Structural Acoustics & Vibration Technical Committee, based upon the quality of both the content of the paper and its presentation. The awards will be announced either at the meeting of the technical committee or after the close of the meeting. Students are encouraged to attend this meeting, and to participate with the technical committee.
All those who wish to participate in the competition for these awards must indicate their intention by putting the following statement at the bottom of the abstract submitted for the meeting:
“For Structural Acoustics & Vibration Technical Committee Best Student Paper Award”
Award Winners
178th Meeting, Fall 2019 – San Diego, CA:
- First Place: Gage Walters, The Pennsylvania State University
Impact of airfoil design uncertainty on the prediction of gust response - Second Place: Alyssa Liem, Boston University
- Investigations into the accuracy of the light damping approximation
177th Meeting, Spring 2019 – Louisville, KY:
- First Prize: Colby W. Cushing, University of Texas at Austin
Measuring anisotropy in underwater inertial metamaterials - Second Prize: Tyler Jake Flynn, University of Michigan
- Data-driven approaches for damage-type classification in vibrating square plates
176th Meeting, Fall 2018 – Victoria, Canada:
- First Prize: Caleb B. Goates, Brigham Young University
- A quasi-analytical formulation for acoustic radiation modes of simple curved structures
- Second Prize: Mark J. Cops, Boston University
- Finite element modeling of fluid-saturated metallic foams from micro-computed tomography
175th Meeting, Spring 2018 – Minneapolis, MN:
- First Prize: Tyler Flynn, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Remote acoustic detection of localized delamination in vibrating composite layered plates
- Second Prize: Matthew Kelsten, Rutgers University
- Optimal absorption associated with wall impedance in acoustic waveguides
174th Meeting, Fall 2017 – New Orleans, LA:
- First Prize: Stephanie G. Konarski, University of Texas
- Closed-cell hyperelastic elements with mechanical instabilities and structural negative stiffness
- Second Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Characterizing hysteretic materials in complex systems from vibration measurements
173rd Meeting, Spring 2017 – Boston, MA:
- First Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Improving of acoustic and vibration models by temporal error metrics
- Second Prize: Mark Cops, Boston University
- Design of tunable acoustic metamaterials using 3D computer graphics
172nd Meeting, Fall 2016 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: Colby Cushing, University of Texas
- Experimental validation of the underwater sound focusing properties of a pentamode gradient index metamaterial lens
- Second Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Estimation of material properties using vibration magnification
171st Meeting, Spring 2016 – Salt Lake City, UT:
- First Prize: Peter Kerrian, Penn State University
- The problem of the noisy golf club
- Second Prize: Pegah Aslani, Brigham Young University
- Experimental active control of cylindrical shells using the weighted sum of spatial gradients control metric
170th Meeting, Fall 2015 – Jacksonville, FL:
- First Prize: David Torello, Georgia Tech
- Characterization of air-coupled ultrasonic receivers for nonlinear Rayleigh wave nondestructive evaluation
- Second Prize: Ryan Salmon, Georgia Tech
- Solid-liner suppressor design, construction, and development
169th Meeting, Spring 2015 – Pittsburgh, PA:
- First Prize: Kritika Vayur, Penn State University
- Vibrational analysis of hollow and foam-filled graphite tennis rackets
- Second Prize: Timothy Daniel, Washington State University
- Magnetic excitation and identification of flexural modes of a circular plate
168th Meeting, Fall 2014 – Indianapolis, IN:
- First Prize: Daniel Plotnick, Washington State University
- Reversible quasi-holographic line-scan processing for acoustic imaging and feature
isolation of transient scattering - Second Prize: Rui Cao, Purdue University
- Improved model for coupled structural-acoustic modes of tires
167th Meeting, Spring 2014 – Providence, RI:
- First Prize: Aldo Glean, Catholic University of America
- Mass sensing using the time domain response of a functionalized microresonator array
- Second Prize: Andrew Wixom, Boston University
- Efficient analysis of dynamic coupling between modifications to complex systems
166th Meeting, Fall 2013 – San Francisco, CA:
- First Prize: Aldo Glean, Catholic University of America
- Modification of the spectral response of a pipe resonator using a subordinate array of
coupled Helmholtz resonators - Second Prize: Matthew Kamrath, Pennsylvania State University
- A plane wave method for modeling acoustic variables in cavities
165th Meeting, Spring 2013 – Montreal, Canada:
- First Prize: Matthew Reynolds, University of Southampton
- Experimental validation of the band-gap and dispersive bulk modulus behaviour of
locally resonant acoustic metamaterials - Second Prize: Luca Alimonti, Universitè de Sherbrooke
- A hybrid modeling approach for vibroacoustic systems with attached sound packages
164th Meeting, Fall 2012 – Kansas City, MO:
- First Prize: Alan T. Wall, Brigham Young University
- References per coherence length: A figure of merit for multireference acoustical
holography - Second Prize: Rico Meier, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Guided wave approach for inline photovoltaic module component inspection
163rd Meeting, Spring 2012 – Hong Kong, China:
- First Prize: André Verstappen, University of Canterbury
- Influential parameters in system damping performance of viscoelastically damped plates
- Second Prize: Ye Wang, Harbin Engineering University
- Research on engine exhaust noise control based on the neural network
162nd Meeting, Fall 2011 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize: Micah Shepherd, Penn State University
- Second Prize: Alan Wall, Brigham Young University
161st Meeting, Spring 2011 – Seattle, WA:
- First Prize: Matthew Shaw, Brigham Young University
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
160th Meeting, Fall 2010 – Cancun, Mexico:
- First Prize: Ashley Cannaday
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
159th Meeting, Spring 2010 – Baltimore, MD:
- First Prize: Sebastian Roa Prada
- Modeling of a two-transducer through-wall ultrasonic communication system
- S. R. Prada, K. R. Wilt, H. A. Scarton, G. J. Saulnier, J. D. Ashdown, P. K. Das, and A. J. Gavens (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Second Prize: Micah Shepherd
- Numerical study of structural intensity for a model airframe structure in healthy and damaged states
- M. R. Shepherd, S. C. Conlon, and F. Semperlotti (Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA)
158th Meeting, Fall 2009 – San Antonio, TX:
- First Prize: Julien Meaud
- Prediction of the basilar membrane response to low-intensity acoustic stimulation using a mathematical model of the cochlea
- J. Meaud, and K. Grosh (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
- Noise reduction of honeycomb sandwich panels with acoustic mesh caps
- C. Naify, and S. Nutt (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA)
157th Meeting, Spring 2009 – Portland, OR:
- First Prize: Nicholas O’Donoghue
- Detection of structural faults in pipelines with time reversal
- N. A. O’Donoughue, J. M. F. Moura, and Y. Jin (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)
- Second Prize: Na Zhu
- Locating arbitrary noise sources in 3D space in real time
- N. Zhu and S. F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
156th Meeting, Fall 2008 – Miami, FL:
- First Prize: Jon La Follett
- Interfacial and elastic contributions to the backscattering of a right circular cylinder: experiments and interpretation
- Jon La Follett and Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Pullman, WA)
- Second Prize: Micah Shepherd
- Numerical study of finite amplitude source reconstruction in one-dimension
- Micah Shepherd, Kent L. Gee, and Mark S. Wochner (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
155th Meeting, Spring 2008 – Paris, France:
- First Prize: René Christensen
- Practical modeling of acoustic losses in air due to heat conduction and viscosity
- René Christensen, Peter Juhl, and Vicente Cutanda Henriquez (University of Southern Denmark, Odense S, Denmark)
- Second Prize (tie): Kerem Ege and Danielle J. Moreau
- High resolution modal analysis
- Kerem Ege, Xavier Boutillon, and Bertrand David (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France)
- Active noise control at a moving location in a modally dense three-dimensional sound field using virtual sensing
- Danielle J. Moreau, Ben S. Cazzolato, and Anthony C. Zander (The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia)
154th Meeting, Fall 2007 – New Orleans, LA:
- First Prize: Kyungmin Baik
- Tilted aluminum cylinder acoustic scattering properties and holographic and synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) images
- Kyungmin Baik, Christopher Dudley, and Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Pullman, WA)
- Second Prize: R. Benjamin Davis
- A simplified method for approximating the natural frequencies of acoustic-structure systems
- R. Benjamin Davis (Duke University, Durham, NC)
153rd Meeting, Spring 2007 – Salt Lake City, UT:
- First Prize: Samuel D. M. Adams
- Rayleigh waves guided by topography
- Samuel D. M. Adams, Richard V. Craster, and Duncan P. Williams (Imperial College London, London, UK)
- Second Prize: Richard E. Dziklinski III
- Spatial resolution of Helmholtz equation least squares based nearfield acoustical holography
- Richard E. Dziklinski III and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
152nd Meeting, Fall 2006 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: Jared Thomas
- Active noise control simulations using minimization of energy density in a mock helicopter cabin
- Jared Thomas, Stephan P. Lovstedt, Jonathan Blotter, Scott D. Sommerfeldt, Norman S. Serrano, and Allan Egelston (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
- Second Prize: Huancai Lu
- Reconstruction of vibro-acoustic response of a plate using Helmholtz equation least-squares method
- Huancai Lu and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
151st Meeting, Spring 2006 – Providence, RI:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
150th Meeting, Fall 2005 – Minneapolis, MN:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
149th Meeting, Spring 2005 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
148th Meeting, Fall 2004 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
147th Meeting, Spring 2004 – New York, NY:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
146th Meeting, Fall 2003 – Austin, TX:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
145th Meeting, Spring 2003 – Nashville, TN:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
144th Meeting, Fall 2002 – Cancun, Mexico:
- First Prize: Tatiana Semenova
- On the validity and convergence of the Helmholtz equation least squares solution
- Tatiana Semenova (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
- Second Prize: Cecile Goffaux
- Evidence of the existence of phononic band gaps: A practical example of a tunable sound insulation by a periodic device of rods
- Cecile Goffaux (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium)
143rd Meeting, Spring 2002 – Pittsburgh, PA:
- First Prize: Manmohan Moondra
- HELS based near-field acoustic holography for a highly nonspherical structure
- Manmohan Moondra and Sean Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
- Second Prize: Kent L. Gee
- Multi-channel active control of axial cooling fan noise
- Kent L. Gee and Scott D. Sommerfeldt (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
142nd Meeting, Fall 2001 – Fort Lauderdale, FL:
- First Prize: Joseph Gregory
- Experimental statistical energy analysis in the time domain
Joseph Gregory, Richard Keltie, and Hubert S. Hall (North Carlina State University, Raleigh, NC) - Second Prize: Andrei N. Zagrai
- The electro-mechanical impedance method for damage identification in circular plates
- Andrei N. Zagrai and Victor Giurgiutiu (University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC)
141st Meeting, Spring 2001 – Chicago, IL:
- First Prize: Paulo Alves
- Energy source identification using reactive structural intensity
- Paulo Alves (University of Campinas in Brazil)
- Second Prize: Sondipon Adhikari
- Can the spatial distribution of damping be measured?
- Sondipon Adhikari (Cambridge University)
140th Meeting, Fall 2000 – Newport Beach, CA:
- First Prize: Jonathan D. Kemp
- Noise reduction in a rocket fairing using active tuned loudspeakers
Jonathan D. Kemp and Robert L. Clark (Duke University, Durham, NC) - Second Prize: Nassif E. Rayess
- Why can spherical harmonics be used to describe the sound field generated by non-spherical sources?
- Nassif E. Rayess and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
139th Meeting, Spring 2000 – Atlanta, GA:
- First Prize: Cory L. Clarke
- Causal recovery of the nonminimum phase from the measured magnitude of one-dimensional acoustic reflections
Cory L. Clarke and J. Gregory McDaniel (Boston University) - Second Prize: Christopher Park
- Structural-acoustic analysis of 3-D curved shell with a discontinuity using analytical/numerical matching (ANM)
- Christopher Park, Linda Franzoni, and Donald Bliss (Duke University, Durham, NC)
138th Meeting, Fall 1999 – Columbus, OH:
- First Prize: G. Clark Smith
- Concurrent design concepts for adaptive structures
G. Clark Smith and Robert L. Clark, Jr. (Duke University, Durham, NC) - Second Prize: Nassif Rayess
- Visualization of acoustic pressure fields radiated from a complex vibrating structure
- Nassif Rayess and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
137th Meeting, Spring 1999 – Berlin, Germany:
- No SA&VTC student paper contest.
136th Meeting, Fall 1998 – Norfolk, VA:
- Sound scattering by a stiffened cylindrical shell using elasticity theory
A. Baillard, J.-M. Conoir, D. Decultot, G. Maze (Universite du Havre, France) - A. Klauson and J. Metsaveer (Tallinn Tech. Univ., Estonia)
- Optimal transducer placement for active control of sound transmission through an aeroelastic plate
- G. Clark Smith and Robert L. Clark (Duke University, Durham, NC)
- Transient boundary integral solution for arbitrarily shaped thin shells
- Markku J. Vartiainen (Univ. of Cambridge, England)
- Dispersion relations for waves on doubly periodic beams
Dimitar P. Gueorguiev, J. Gregory McDaniel, and Pierre E. Dupont (Boston Univ.)
135th Meeting, Spring 1998 – Seattle, WA,
134th Meeting, Fall 1997 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize: Scot F. Morse
- Windowed displays of broadband impulse response measurements for finite cylindrical shells
- Scot F. Morse, Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Detroit, MI) & Gregory Kaduchak (Univ. of Texas)
- Second Prize: K. S. Sum
- An analytical model for bandlimited response of vibroacoustic systems
- K. S. Sum and J. Pan (Univ. of Western Australia)
- Third Prize: Jean-Francois Ille
- Interaction between wave- number pairs
- Jean-Francois Ille and Jerry H. Ginsberg (Georgia Inst. of Technol.)
133rd Meeting, Spring 1997 – State College, PA,
132nd Meeting, Fall 1996 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: F. Honarvar
Application of resonance acoustic spectroscopy to nondestructive evaluation of clad rods - F. Honarvar (University of Toronto)
- Second Prize: B. A. Bard
Laser-Modulated Phase-Stepped Digital Shearography for Quantitative Full-Field Imaging of Ultrasonic Waves - B. A. Bard (Penn StateUniversity)
- Review panel: Greg McDaniel (Boston University), Scott Sommerfeldt (University of Utah), Jerry Ginsberg (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Student Paper Award
The Structural Acoustics and Vibration technical committee is one of several that offers a best student paper award to students who present papers at Society meetings. If you want your paper to be considered for an award, you must indicate this when you submit your abstract. Follow the instructions for the appropriate technical area that appears below.
For each of the Technical Committees granting awards, up to two awards will be presented to students presenting papers in sessions organized by the specific Technical Committee: $300 for first prize and $200 for second prize
To qualify for each of these awards, the author must:
- Be enrolled as a student at least half time (graduates are eligible if the work being presented was performed as a student within one year of the meeting). Note that you do not need to be a member of the ASA to qualify.
- Be listed as the first author on the submitted abstract.
- Present the paper at the meeting.
- Submit a copy of the presentation materials or a written text to the copy center at the meeting, unless the paper is presented in a poster session (except for entries in Speech Communication and Underwater Acoustics).
The award winners will be selected by a subcommittee of the Structural Acoustics & Vibration Technical Committee, based upon the quality of both the content of the paper and its presentation. The awards will be announced either at the meeting of the technical committee or after the close of the meeting. Students are encouraged to attend this meeting, and to participate with the technical committee.
All those who wish to participate in the competition for these awards must indicate their intention by putting the following statement at the bottom of the abstract submitted for the meeting:
“For Structural Acoustics & Vibration Technical Committee Best Student Paper Award”
177th Meeting, Spring 2019 – Louisville, KY:
- First Prize: Colby W. Cushing, University of Texas at Austin
Measuring anisotropy in underwater inertial metamaterials - Second Prize: Tyler Jake Flynn, University of Michigan
- Data-driven approaches for damage-type classification in vibrating square plates
176th Meeting, Fall 2018 – Victoria, Canada:
- First Prize: TBD
- Second Prize: TBD
175th Meeting, Spring 2018 – Minneapolis, MN:
- First Prize: TBD
- Second Prize: TBD
174th Meeting, Fall 2017 – New Orleans, LA:
- First Prize: Stephanie G. Konarski, University of Texas
- Closed-cell hyperelastic elements with mechanical instabilities and structural negative stiffness
- Second Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Characterizing hysteretic materials in complex systems from vibration measurements
173rd Meeting, Spring 2017 – Boston, MA:
- First Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Improving of acoustic and vibration models by temporal error metrics
- Second Prize: Mark Cops, Boston University
- Design of tunable acoustic metamaterials using 3D computer graphics
172nd Meeting, Fall 2016 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: Colby Cushing, University of Texas
- Experimental validation of the underwater sound focusing properties of a pentamode gradient index metamaterial lens
- Second Prize: Alyssa T. Liem, Boston University
- Estimation of material properties using vibration magnification
171st Meeting, Spring 2016 – Salt Lake City, UT:
- First Prize: Peter Kerrian, Penn State University
- The problem of the noisy golf club
- Second Prize: Pegah Aslani, Brigham Young University
- Experimental active control of cylindrical shells using the weighted sum of spatial gradients control metric
170th Meeting, Fall 2015 – Jacksonville, FL:
- First Prize: David Torello, Georgia Tech
- Characterization of air-coupled ultrasonic receivers for nonlinear Rayleigh wave nondestructive evaluation
- Second Prize: Ryan Salmon, Georgia Tech
- Solid-liner suppressor design, construction, and development
169th Meeting, Spring 2015 – Pittsburgh, PA:
- First Prize: Kritika Vayur, Penn State University
- Vibrational analysis of hollow and foam-filled graphite tennis rackets
- Second Prize: Timothy Daniel, Washington State University
- Magnetic excitation and identification of flexural modes of a circular plate
168th Meeting, Fall 2014 – Indianapolis, IN:
- First Prize: Daniel Plotnick, Washington State University
- Reversible quasi-holographic line-scan processing for acoustic imaging and feature
isolation of transient scattering - Second Prize: Rui Cao, Purdue University
- Improved model for coupled structural-acoustic modes of tires
167th Meeting, Spring 2014 – Providence, RI:
- First Prize: Aldo Glean, Catholic University of America
- Mass sensing using the time domain response of a functionalized microresonator array
- Second Prize: Andrew Wixom, Boston University
- Efficient analysis of dynamic coupling between modifications to complex systems
166th Meeting, Fall 2013 – San Francisco, CA:
- First Prize: Aldo Glean, Catholic University of America
- Modification of the spectral response of a pipe resonator using a subordinate array of
coupled Helmholtz resonators - Second Prize: Matthew Kamrath, Pennsylvania State University
- A plane wave method for modeling acoustic variables in cavities
165th Meeting, Spring 2013 – Montreal, Canada:
- First Prize: Matthew Reynolds, University of Southampton
- Experimental validation of the band-gap and dispersive bulk modulus behaviour of
locally resonant acoustic metamaterials - Second Prize: Luca Alimonti, Universitè de Sherbrooke
- A hybrid modeling approach for vibroacoustic systems with attached sound packages
164th Meeting, Fall 2012 – Kansas City, MO:
- First Prize: Alan T. Wall, Brigham Young University
- References per coherence length: A figure of merit for multireference acoustical
holography - Second Prize: Rico Meier, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- Guided wave approach for inline photovoltaic module component inspection
163rd Meeting, Spring 2012 – Hong Kong, China:
- First Prize: André Verstappen, University of Canterbury
- Influential parameters in system damping performance of viscoelastically damped plates
- Second Prize: Ye Wang, Harbin Engineering University
- Research on engine exhaust noise control based on the neural network
162nd Meeting, Fall 2011 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize: Micah Shepherd, Penn State University
- Second Prize: Alan Wall, Brigham Young University
161st Meeting, Spring 2011 – Seattle, WA:
- First Prize: Matthew Shaw, Brigham Young University
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
160th Meeting, Fall 2010 – Cancun, Mexico:
- First Prize: Ashley Cannaday
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
159th Meeting, Spring 2010 – Baltimore, MD:
- First Prize: Sebastian Roa Prada
- Modeling of a two-transducer through-wall ultrasonic communication system
- S. R. Prada, K. R. Wilt, H. A. Scarton, G. J. Saulnier, J. D. Ashdown, P. K. Das, and A. J. Gavens (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY)
- Second Prize: Micah Shepherd
- Numerical study of structural intensity for a model airframe structure in healthy and damaged states
- M. R. Shepherd, S. C. Conlon, and F. Semperlotti (Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA)
158th Meeting, Fall 2009 – San Antonio, TX:
- First Prize: Julien Meaud
- Prediction of the basilar membrane response to low-intensity acoustic stimulation using a mathematical model of the cochlea
- J. Meaud, and K. Grosh (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI)
- Second Prize: Christina Naify
- Noise reduction of honeycomb sandwich panels with acoustic mesh caps
- C. Naify, and S. Nutt (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA)
157th Meeting, Spring 2009 – Portland, OR:
- First Prize: Nicholas O’Donoghue
- Detection of structural faults in pipelines with time reversal
- N. A. O’Donoughue, J. M. F. Moura, and Y. Jin (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA)
- Second Prize: Na Zhu
- Locating arbitrary noise sources in 3D space in real time
- N. Zhu and S. F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
156th Meeting, Fall 2008 – Miami, FL:
- First Prize: Jon La Follett
- Interfacial and elastic contributions to the backscattering of a right circular cylinder: experiments and interpretation
- Jon La Follett and Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Pullman, WA)
- Second Prize: Micah Shepherd
- Numerical study of finite amplitude source reconstruction in one-dimension
- Micah Shepherd, Kent L. Gee, and Mark S. Wochner (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
155th Meeting, Spring 2008 – Paris, France:
- First Prize: René Christensen
- Practical modeling of acoustic losses in air due to heat conduction and viscosity
- René Christensen, Peter Juhl, and Vicente Cutanda Henriquez (University of Southern Denmark, Odense S, Denmark)
- Second Prize (tie): Kerem Ege and Danielle J. Moreau
- High resolution modal analysis
- Kerem Ege, Xavier Boutillon, and Bertrand David (École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France)
- Active noise control at a moving location in a modally dense three-dimensional sound field using virtual sensing
- Danielle J. Moreau, Ben S. Cazzolato, and Anthony C. Zander (The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia)
154th Meeting, Fall 2007 – New Orleans, LA:
- First Prize: Kyungmin Baik
- Tilted aluminum cylinder acoustic scattering properties and holographic and synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) images
- Kyungmin Baik, Christopher Dudley, and Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Pullman, WA)
- Second Prize: R. Benjamin Davis
- A simplified method for approximating the natural frequencies of acoustic-structure systems
- R. Benjamin Davis (Duke University, Durham, NC)
153rd Meeting, Spring 2007 – Salt Lake City, UT:
- First Prize: Samuel D. M. Adams
- Rayleigh waves guided by topography
- Samuel D. M. Adams, Richard V. Craster, and Duncan P. Williams (Imperial College London, London, UK)
- Second Prize: Richard E. Dziklinski III
- Spatial resolution of Helmholtz equation least squares based nearfield acoustical holography
- Richard E. Dziklinski III and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
152nd Meeting, Fall 2006 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: Jared Thomas
- Active noise control simulations using minimization of energy density in a mock helicopter cabin
- Jared Thomas, Stephan P. Lovstedt, Jonathan Blotter, Scott D. Sommerfeldt, Norman S. Serrano, and Allan Egelston (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
- Second Prize: Huancai Lu
- Reconstruction of vibro-acoustic response of a plate using Helmholtz equation least-squares method
- Huancai Lu and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
151st Meeting, Spring 2006 – Providence, RI:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
150th Meeting, Fall 2005 – Minneapolis, MN:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
149th Meeting, Spring 2005 – Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
148th Meeting, Fall 2004 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
147th Meeting, Spring 2004 – New York, NY:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
146th Meeting, Fall 2003 – Austin, TX:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
145th Meeting, Spring 2003 – Nashville, TN:
- First Prize:
- Second Prize:
144th Meeting, Fall 2002 – Cancun, Mexico:
- First Prize: Tatiana Semenova
- On the validity and convergence of the Helmholtz equation least squares solution
- Tatiana Semenova (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
- Second Prize: Cecile Goffaux
- Evidence of the existence of phononic band gaps: A practical example of a tunable sound insulation by a periodic device of rods
- Cecile Goffaux (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium)
143rd Meeting, Spring 2002 – Pittsburgh, PA:
- First Prize: Manmohan Moondra
- HELS based near-field acoustic holography for a highly nonspherical structure
- Manmohan Moondra and Sean Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
- Second Prize: Kent L. Gee
- Multi-channel active control of axial cooling fan noise
- Kent L. Gee and Scott D. Sommerfeldt (Brigham Young University, Provo, UT)
142nd Meeting, Fall 2001 – Fort Lauderdale, FL:
- First Prize: Joseph Gregory
- Experimental statistical energy analysis in the time domain
Joseph Gregory, Richard Keltie, and Hubert S. Hall (North Carlina State University, Raleigh, NC) - Second Prize: Andrei N. Zagrai
- The electro-mechanical impedance method for damage identification in circular plates
- Andrei N. Zagrai and Victor Giurgiutiu (University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC)
141st Meeting, Spring 2001 – Chicago, IL:
- First Prize: Paulo Alves
- Energy source identification using reactive structural intensity
- Paulo Alves (University of Campinas in Brazil)
- Second Prize: Sondipon Adhikari
- Can the spatial distribution of damping be measured?
- Sondipon Adhikari (Cambridge University)
140th Meeting, Fall 2000 – Newport Beach, CA:
- First Prize: Jonathan D. Kemp
- Noise reduction in a rocket fairing using active tuned loudspeakers
Jonathan D. Kemp and Robert L. Clark (Duke University, Durham, NC) - Second Prize: Nassif E. Rayess
- Why can spherical harmonics be used to describe the sound field generated by non-spherical sources?
- Nassif E. Rayess and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
139th Meeting, Spring 2000 – Atlanta, GA:
- First Prize: Cory L. Clarke
- Causal recovery of the nonminimum phase from the measured magnitude of one-dimensional acoustic reflections
Cory L. Clarke and J. Gregory McDaniel (Boston University) - Second Prize: Christopher Park
- Structural-acoustic analysis of 3-D curved shell with a discontinuity using analytical/numerical matching (ANM)
- Christopher Park, Linda Franzoni, and Donald Bliss (Duke University, Durham, NC)
138th Meeting, Fall 1999 – Columbus, OH:
- First Prize: G. Clark Smith
- Concurrent design concepts for adaptive structures
G. Clark Smith and Robert L. Clark, Jr. (Duke University, Durham, NC) - Second Prize: Nassif Rayess
- Visualization of acoustic pressure fields radiated from a complex vibrating structure
- Nassif Rayess and Sean F. Wu (Wayne State University, Detroit, MI)
137th Meeting, Spring 1999 – Berlin, Germany:
- No SA&VTC student paper contest.
136th Meeting, Fall 1998 – Norfolk, VA:
- Sound scattering by a stiffened cylindrical shell using elasticity theory
A. Baillard, J.-M. Conoir, D. Decultot, G. Maze (Universite du Havre, France) - A. Klauson and J. Metsaveer (Tallinn Tech. Univ., Estonia)
- Optimal transducer placement for active control of sound transmission through an aeroelastic plate
- G. Clark Smith and Robert L. Clark (Duke University, Durham, NC)
- Transient boundary integral solution for arbitrarily shaped thin shells
- Markku J. Vartiainen (Univ. of Cambridge, England)
- Dispersion relations for waves on doubly periodic beams
Dimitar P. Gueorguiev, J. Gregory McDaniel, and Pierre E. Dupont (Boston Univ.)
135th Meeting, Spring 1998 – Seattle, WA,
134th Meeting, Fall 1997 – San Diego, CA:
- First Prize: Scot F. Morse
- Windowed displays of broadband impulse response measurements for finite cylindrical shells
- Scot F. Morse, Philip L. Marston (Washington State University, Detroit, MI) & Gregory Kaduchak (Univ. of Texas)
- Second Prize: K. S. Sum
- An analytical model for bandlimited response of vibroacoustic systems
- K. S. Sum and J. Pan (Univ. of Western Australia)
- Third Prize: Jean-Francois Ille
- Interaction between wave- number pairs
- Jean-Francois Ille and Jerry H. Ginsberg (Georgia Inst. of Technol.)
133rd Meeting, Spring 1997 – State College, PA,
132nd Meeting, Fall 1996 – Honolulu, HI:
- First Prize: F. Honarvar
Application of resonance acoustic spectroscopy to nondestructive evaluation of clad rods - F. Honarvar (University of Toronto)
- Second Prize: B. A. Bard
Laser-Modulated Phase-Stepped Digital Shearography for Quantitative Full-Field Imaging of Ultrasonic Waves - B. A. Bard (Penn StateUniversity)
- Review panel: Greg McDaniel (Boston University), Scott Sommerfeldt (University of Utah), Jerry Ginsberg (Georgia Institute of Technology)
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